My church is doing a new sermon series on our identity in Christ. “Am I Loved” was the title of the sermon a few weeks ago. I find it amazing that even after years of walking with the Lord, the question of whether or not we’re really loved, really lovable is still one that whirls around in my heart. Here are my notes:

1 John 4:8 – God is love.

You have to meet Father God for yourself.
I can listen to all the sermons in the world about the Father heart of God, read great books about the subject, be friends with people who really know God well. But if I don’t meet Him for myself, I won’t ever really know His heart for me.

You have to come to Him consistently.
It’s not a one time deal. You may have had a great experience at one time in your life, but there is more for you!
*Renew your mind with the Word of God – find out what He thinks about you. John 5:44
*Listen for His voice of affirmation. “God, what do you think about me today?”
*Worship. It allows you to focus on Him.
*To know the Father’s heart, you have to look at Jesus. Heb. 1:3, John 14:7-10, John 10:32

Know the sacrifice the Father made for you. John 3:16. He gave His son. He sacrificed His son, His only son. He allowed His son to die for you. What a love.

While I’m at it, check out Kari Jobe’s new song, “I Know that You are For Me.” If you’re struggling with the love of God, listen to this song every morning and let the truth of the words penetrate your heart. I’ve been listening to it every day, multiple times a day, for the last few weeks. I’m so encouraged by the lyrics of the song and think you will be, as well.